Jumat, 14 November 2014

Tugas Bahasa Inggris 2

Inquiry letter
Inquiry letter is a kind of letter of request or a request for information about a product, service, jobs or other business information.
             In general, the general function of this letter is to respond to an advertisement of information sources such as newspapers, magazines or electronic media about a product / service when we are interested in the informasih obtained.
             Usually suart is a first step in building a business or cooperation of the two parties, namely the provider of products / services and buyers of products / services.
            In this letter, there are some things that are discussed by the provider of the service / product which is the question of the buyer in order to help the buyer itself to find out information about the products / services. These things include:
a. Name and type of product
b. Product specifications, namely; type, size, quality, capacity and others;
c. Unit price.
d. Rebates;
e. Method of payment from the buyer to the seller;
f. How to delivery of the product from the seller to the buyer, and
g. Ease of which may be obtained by the buyer, such as warranty and others

example  Inquiry letter

Order letter
Quote request letter is a letter from the prospective buyer to the seller requesting a quote. That is, the prospective buyer requested by mail order sellers officially bid him. With the offer of the seller will potential buyers will know the price, the terms of buying and selling, and a description of the goods or services to be purchased. This is the purpose of prospective buyers to write a letter of request to the seller offers. When prospective buyers have to know the condition of the goods / services following the purchase price and terms of sale, of course he does not need to request a quote from the seller.

Letter of request is required in formal trade deals that require formal procedures formally in writing. A large company as the seller, for example, is not to simply serve requests for quotations by phone. The letter requests often offers an early stage of the process business transactions. By letter request offers prospective buyers ask or request information about the goods or services to be purchased. As a reaction, the seller explained things buyers want to make a reservation and ultimately business transactions as the peak buying and selling process.

example order letter :
Jakarta, 10 November 2011
Your ref : KM / DC / 55
Our ref : RM / L / 3A
Mr. Kiwil Mananta
PT. Olahraga Maju Bersama
Jln. Raya Merdeka No. 21
Bekasi 72852
Dear Mr Kiwil Mananta
With this, we would like to place an order your product as follows.

1.10 pairs of shoes NIKE mercurial size of futsal 38-45
2. 10 pairs of shoes ADIDAS predator soccer size from 38-45
3. 2 dozen NIKE FC Barcelona Club t-shirt size M and XL
These items should be sent before December 1, 2011 Packing hope stand water with their insurance. Letters of credit are made to our Bank BRI has been sent through the services of the delivery goods JNE.

Yours faithfully,

Ridwan Malik

Complaint letter
Complaint Letter is to change the situation unacceptable. Writing a letter takes more time than making a phone call. People who get a letter of complaint to know this. They actually read the letters of complaint, not as voice mail that is often overlooked. Frequent complaint letter written to businesses, organizations, government agencies, schools and departments news.
Letter of complaint (Complain Letter) Effective must:
o brief
o authoritative
o factual
o constructive
o friendly
The main benefit of a complaint letter is to explain your problem. It is essential that the complaint clearly describe the problem and notify the recipient to be responsible. Write without rambling. Describe the facts without anger. Furthermore, providing a way out to the beneficiary. Offer a possible solution to this problem. Making sensible, such as asking for a refund or credit.
While the parties complained of must answer a letter of complaint to the complaint response letter / letter of response (Response Letter). Several letters of complaint from customers is justified, and some could have been outrageous. Without doing a full investigation, the company complained of can not know whether the complaint is valid or not. Therefore, any complaints should be carefully examined before reaching a conclusion about the situation. This process may take some time, then sent a letter to an angry customer is an ideal way to inform him that the company has received the complaint and are investigating the situation.
Example complaint letter

Aplication letter
Application Letter is a business letter or a letter that serves to apply for a job at a company or in an institution. formal business letter is often supplied with a job application or resume and sent to the destination yan. Although the cover letter is generally considered to be an optional component applying for a job, more and more often their human resources department staff who actually take the time to thoroughly cover letter as their top picks.

CV should also be accompanied by a written application, and they form a package. The letter has a number of goals allowed us to promote themselves by showing the features of our CV. This application letter provides an opportunity to include material that is not in the CV, especially the personal qualities mentioned when making preparations. This indicates to a human resources department staff that we understand how to write a letter as a skill in itself and test our ability to communicate clearly and effectively. What should be in it? Letter of application should follow the general guidelines for all business letters. Should have an introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction, in this cover letter should clearly in the position of taking a position which according to our ability, in other words as recommending ourselves.

In making a cover letter avoid inappropriate language such as slang or technical jargon. Use short sentences, informative and short paragraphs. Check the spelling, grammar, and punctuation carefully. Some employers routinely discard job application that contains the error. Structure of regular orders or email job application letter position applied to give the title of the job as a title, or refer to in the first sentence of your letter, using the reference code if any. This will ensure that you can cover letter directly to the right person in the organization. You also have to mention where you saw the job advertisement or where you heard about the vacancy.

Example application letter


Definition of Memo The memo is a concise message, the message is written someone with a short, clear, and easy to understand. According to its use, there is an official nature memos and personal (not official). Memo is officially adopted as a statement in the official relationship of a leader to his subordinates. Be used as a personal memo memorandum or letter is not an official statement among friends, relatives, or others who have a close relationship.
 The Characteristics
1.       Special letters are made ​​specifically for the purpose in the office or organization
2.       Judging from the circulation , an office or organization may submit a memo horizontally and vertically
 3.       Submission is horizotal a memo to the delivery office which has the equivalent
4.       Submission is a submission vertically memo from superiors to subordinates or otherwise to remind or ordered something
 5.       Is a form of communication that give advice , referrals , or illumination about something
6.       Have a piece of mail that is much simpler than the official letter in general , especially in the letter .
7.       Due to the limited pedarannya , scrap usually do not include the identity of the office , such as office name , phone number , fax , and postal code , it lengkap.ghdghv The characteristics of the form of scrap Form of scrap consists of two parts:     Head Memo      - Receiver      - Sender      - Subject and date of sender      - Initials and name of the sender     Contents, the author immediately notice the message or command in the short and straightforward sentences.

example memo

To : Randika Satria
From : Prof. Dr. Muhammad Aldin, M.Pd.
Date : June 21st, 2013
Subject : Additional Class of Psycholinguistics

In Saturday morning exactly at 7.30 A.M., we will hold an additional class for a psycholinguistics because your material in preparing for the final examination is not fulfilled enough. Tell your friend and enjoy my class.

Rabu, 15 Oktober 2014

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Business letter

Business letter is a formal type of letter used in the scope of work. Understanding of business letter business letter itself is used by an organization or institution to deliver business messages that would normally be sent in writing by post, fax or email on the Internet.

There are many types of business letters, among others, include:
1 Letter of Purchase Order (PO)
2 Letter of Employment Application
3 Business License
4 Letter of Agreement
5. Letter Office
6 Letter of Assignment
7 Letters News
8 Notice of Office Move
9 Letter of Agreement
10 Letter of Agreement, etc..

In addition, you also need to know what the function of the business letter. In general, a business letter has the following functions:
• Mail serves as a medium of communication between the two (2) parties indirectly which each party does not have to meet face to face but remains in a formal state.
• Media that can be used as a communication tool to tangle silaturrahmi and cooperation is still running, although in between two (2) parties are not bound cooperation.
• Tools that can describe the criteria between two (2) sides, so that both can be mutually aware of each criteria may or may not cooperate.
In the process leading to the transaction and after the transaction there are a variety of different business letters as a form of written communication that accompany business processes and procedures. The kinds of business letters:

1) Letter of Introduction
Is a letter from a seller to a prospective buyer that contains information about the company is known by the seller to prospective buyers so that it will be sustained by the introduction of the next process according to the transaction.
Information about the seller perursahaan in their letter of introduction is:
(1) the name of the company and the business sectors or activities
(2) description of the capabilities, expertise, and, equipment yangdipakai
(3) work / project ever handled
(4) the prospect of hope or desired by the seller
(5) a special letter of introduction to government agencies must be accompanied
Partner Registration Certificate, Surat Ijin Usaha Perdagangan (SIUP), and Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP)

2. Letter of Request for Quote
Is a letter from the prospective buyer to the seller requesting a quote. Letters quote request process is often an early stage of the business transaction. Aims to offer demand letter requesting detailed information meiliputi price lists, catalogs, brochures, or prospectus and know the price, terms of sale and purchase, and a description of the goods or services to be purchased and also to request that the seller held a demonstration on the use of prospective buyers .
The letter should request offers it should be clear that the desire for certain penjualmengetahui prospective buyers and offer demand letter does not need to be compiled with attractive style.
In the letter request supply of goods normally prospective buyer asks:
(1) the name and type of goods
(2) specific characteristics (specifications) of goods, the type, size, quality, capacity and others
(3) the unit price
(4) pieces
(5) brochures
(6) the method of payment
(7) how to surrender
(8) the ease of which may be obtained by the buyer, such as a free service, warranty, and others who are sellers of services (after sales service)

Letter Head / Letterhead
Letter head or it could be called the top part letterhead in a letter. The function of the inclusion of the letter head is inseparable from the provision of information regarding the name, address, as well as the activities of these institutions can also be a promotional tool.

Place and Date Letters
Inclusion of the place and date of a separate letter addressed to provide information about the place and date of the writing of the letter.

Number Mail
An official letter representing an agency, institution, company or organization usually uses numbering to letters issued or received. Number letter usually includes the serial number of letter writing, letter code, date, month and year of letter writing.
Part of the explanatory appendix is informed that there are a number of files or documents included in the letter. If there are no files or documents attached, then the attachment can be eliminated.
In this five-part letter to contain it or subject. It serves to provide guidance to the reader on the subject of the letter.

address In
There are two alamt written in the letter, which is outside of the address (which is written in the cover letter) and the address (which is written in the letter).

Greetings Opener
Part letter to 7 is the greeting that serves as a greeting in the letter. Greeting written with a capital letter at the beginning and end by commas.

  contents Letter
• Opener
Opener is the first Alenia which serves as an introduction or prelude to infomrasi delivered at Alenia contents.
• Fill
Alendia contents contain information that will be delivered.
• Closing
While this cover Alenia of thanks or hope from writer to reader mail.

Greeting Cover
Regards cover is a cover letter that usually use the word: "Yours sincerely, Sincerely, Regards". Writing the cover greetings like greeting, preceded by a capital letter and ends by commas.

Obviously Sender Name and Signs tanganSetelah closing greeting, there is clearly sending a letter along with the name of his signature.


A copy of a letter which indicates the parts or others who are also entitled to the letter

Jl.A.Yani 123

Turkey, February 7, 2012
Number: 132/YP-UI/SMPN-04/XIII/2008
Appendix: -
Subject: Invitation OSIS

Junior High School 4
in Turkey

Good day,

With the end of the academic year 2010/2011, we as a council SMPN 4 Turkey will implement the new student council elections for the academic year 2011/2012. Please note OSIS is the most important student organization at school, for which we expect the presence of the headmaster Mr chairman of this organization. The election will be held on:

Day, date: Friday, February 10, 2012
Time: At 10:00 AM

Place in the Hall School

In this regard, we are very happy if the headmaster is pleased to present the election.
Similarly, we convey the invitation, you for your attention thanks.

OSIS Capten  (2010/2011),

Muh. Syawalluddin M.

Sabtu, 14 Juni 2014

Tugas Penulisan

Penulisan ilmiah merupakan tugas  yang wajib di kerjakan, karena ini merupakan salah satu syarat kelulusan, baik untuk jenjang setara satu maupun diploma, dalam penulisan ilmiah ini saya membuat sebuah tulisan yang berudul “ alat penyimpan barang pameran museum automatis “.

Alat penyimpan barang automatis ini sebenernya sederhana, pada awalnya saya datang ke pameran barang-barang di museum, di museum barang-barang yang di pamerkan merupakan barang-barang yang memiliki arti sejarah dan langka, selain itu juga memiliki harga yang cukup mahal, setelah pameran itu tutup para petugas tidak membereskan barang-barang pameran hanya membiarkannya saja di tempat pajangan barang, oleh karena itu saya mendapat ide untuk membuat alat penyimpanan barang tersebut. Dengan menggunakan alat-alat seperti  mikon, motor dc gear box,  sensor cahaya, dan beberapa IC.

Cara kerja alat ini sederhana yaitu menggunakan sensor cahaya apa bila sensor tersebut terkena cahaya maka akan diproses oleh mikon, lalu mikon akan meneruskan ke IC lalu motor dc gear box, akan berputar, sehingga membuat benda yang akan di pajangkan untuk pameran akan keluar, setelah itu jika pameran selesai  maka lampu akan di matikan maka sensor tidak mendapat cahaya, oleh karena itu motor dc gear box akan berputar berlawanan arah, sehingga benda pameran tersebut kembali ke tempat penyimpanan.

Alat ini dibuat supaya pekerjaan yang sederhana yang biasa di abaikan dapat dilakukan dengan bantuan alat ini, dan dapat juga menghindari dari tindakan kriminal, karena benda tersebut di simpan di tempat yang aman dan tidak terlihat oleh orang-orang yang berniat jahat.

Dalam pembuatan alat ini untuk masalah komponen-komponen yang dibutuhkan tidak mengalami kesulitan, kita bisa mendapatkannya di toko-toko elektronik, namun harga-harnya cukup mahal, untuk masalah program di mikon, kendalanya  program yang saya buat tidak benar sehingga saya harus membuat lagi dan lagi, untuk program ke mikonnya. kuncinya kita harus bersabar dalam membuat program agar berhasil.   

Minggu, 04 Mei 2014

Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa

Universitas gunadarma, selain bagus di bidang akademik, di bidang non akademik pun bagus, salah satu contoh di bidang non akademik yang saya pernah ikuti di gunadarma yaitu UKM bulu tangkis, di UKM bulu tangkis ini termasuk salah satu UKM yang banyak di minati oleh mahasiswa yang ada di gunadarma.

Jadwal latihan UKM ini yaitu hari sabtu jam 17:00 sampai 21:00 Wib, anggota dari UKM ini tidak hanya anak-anak tinggat empat dan tiga saja, tetapi banyak juga yang dari tingkat dua, dan tingkat pertama, disana kita tidak hanya bermain bulu tangkis, tetapi kita sebelum bermain kita di ajarkan teknik-teknik bermain bulu tagkis yang benar.

Setelah pemanasan, biasanya di lanjutkan dengan lari mengelilingi lapangan, setelah itu belajar teknik-teknik pemukulan yang benar, setelah itu dilatih lagi teknik-teknik smash, setelah semua yang hadir telah mengikuti pembelajaran teknik-teknik yang di berikan, barulah  bermain belutangkis, biasanya bermain ganda karena banyak yang hadir.

Lawan-lawan biasanya sudah di atur oleh pengurus UKM agar yang masih pemula tidak berlawanan dengan yang sudah profesional, banyak anak-anak UKM yang sudah profesional karena sebelum kuliah di gunadarma mereka sudah ikut sekolah bulu tangkis. Yang profesional mereka mau berbagi ilmunya kepada yang pemula, oleh karena itu di dalam UKM suasananya asik, karena semua mau saling berbagi ilmunya.      

kursus dan workshop

Di universitas gunadarma, salah satu syarat untuk sidang penulisan ilmiah maupun skripsi yaitu harus mengikuti kursus dan workshop, workshop dilakukan selama satu hari, sedangkan kursus dilakukan selama lima hari, setiap jurusan wajib mengikutinya.

Workshop kita hanya mengikuti kegiatan sesuai judul workshop yang telah kita pilih, dari pagi sampai sore, setelah itu tinggal menunggu pengambilan sertifikat, pengambilan sertifikat minimal satu bulan setelah workshop baru bisa di  ambil.

Jika kursus kita harus mengikutinya selama lima hari empat hari pembelajaran dan satu hari lagi untuk ujian, dalam satu hari terdapat tiga sesi pembelajaran, sesi pertama dari jam Sembilan sampai jam dua belas setelah itu istirahat lalu di lanjutkan dengan sesi dua, samapi jam tiga setelah itu di lanjutkan dengan sesi tiga sampai jam lima sore, begitu terus selama empat hari dan di hari kelima hanya ujian, ujian pertama yaitu teori lalu di lanjutkan dengan ujian prektek.   

Setelah itu menunggu sertifikat, minimal satu bulan setelah kursus baru bisa di ambil, untuk masalah biaya harganya setiap tahun naik, jadi jika sudah ada uang dan ada kesempatan untuk kursus maupun workshop sebaiknya jangan di tunda-tunda lagi.  

Ujian Mandiri

Universitas gunadarma, merupakan salah satu universitas swasta terbaik di Indonesia, itulah mengapa banyak orang-orang yang masuk di universitas gunadarma, selain itu karena pilihan jurusan banyak dan biaya kuliah yang cukup terjangkau sehingga membuat daya tarik untuk anak-anak yang baru lulus SMA untuk mendaftar.

Untuk wilayah bekasi, kampus gunadarma ada di daerah kali malang, pertokoan kemang pratama, dan kalimas bekasi timur, dan banyak lagi, namun kampus yang menjadi pusat untuk wilayah bekasi yaitu yang berada di kali malang.
Untuk fasilitas lab, gunadarma memiliki lab yang cukup banyak terutama lab komputer, selain itu ada juga Lab fisika, lab elektro, lab system tertanam, lab teknik industri dan banyak lagi. 

Di Universitas Gunadarama ini fakultas yang paling banyak peminatnya yaitu fakultas ilmu komputer dan teknologi informasi, yaitu jurusan system informasi, system penilaian di gunadarma tidak lah sulit, karena nilai sebaian besar di ambil dari nilai UTS.

Di gunadarma, tidak ada system semester pendek, atau remedial, digunadarma hanya ada ujian mandiri sama saja seperti remedial, tidak perlu mengulang kelas cukup membeli voucer untuk pengulangan mata kuliah yang ingin di ulang, lalu mengerjakan soal yang terdapat di dalam aplikasi komputer, soal-soal yang terdapat di dalam aplikasi komputer tersebut cukup bnyak jadi jika tidak bisa menjawab pertanyaan yang diberikan tinggal di next saja lalu akan pindah ke soal berikutnya.

Jika salah menjawab maka akan dikenakan nilai penalty, yaitu pengurangan nilai sesual bobot saol yang di berikan. jika waktu telah habis dan nilai yang didapat lebih rendah dari nilai sebelum ikut ujian mandiri, maka nilai yang di anggap yaitu nilai yang sebelum ikut ujian mandiri.