Senin, 15 Juni 2015

Relative Clause and Conditional Sentence

Relative Clause
Defining relative clause is a clause which carries essential information (important) that can not be removed because it would change the whole meaning of the sentence. This type of clause does not use commas that limit with the main clause. Relative Clause is used to provide additional information about someone or something. Relative Clause usually use the relative pronoun like, who, Whom, which, Whose and that.hat is relative clauses
The woman is my sister
She is waiting for someone
We can combine these two sentences into
The woman who is waiting for someone is my sister

The man who is running is my brother
In this sentence there are really two sentences that
The man is my brother
He is running

Conditional sentence type 1
Conditional sentence type 1 is a conditional sentence that is used when the result / consequence (result) of the condition (condition) are likely to materialize in the future because of its realistic condition to be met.
Rumus : If + Subjek +V.1, S + Will + V.1
example :
1.     If I prepare well for the test I will pass it .
2.    If I have free time, I will go swimming.
3.    If the bell rings, I’ll go home.

Conditional type 2
Conditional type 2 is used as an application of the present or present events that will occur if there are different conditions.
Rumus : If + Subjek +V.2/Were +S + M2 + V.1
M2 (2 forms of capital) : Would,could
Example  :
1.    If I prepared well for the test, I should pass.
        Fact: I don’t pass the test
2.    If it rained tomorrow, I would sleep all day.
        Fact: but I don’t have much hope it will rain
3.    If Nisa studied hard, she would pass.
        Fact: but Nisa doesn’t study hard

Conditional Sentence Type 3
Merukan application of past events or simple past tense, events that should have been fulfilled in the past. Sometimes, in the past we had a wish that we can not realize. Then we want to tell a friend or someone else.
Rumus :  If +  Subjek + Had + V3 +S+ M.2 + Have + V.3
example :
1.      If I had prepared well for the test, I should have passed.
Fact: I didn’t pass
2.    If you had remembered to invite me, I would have attended your party.
Fact: but you didn’t remember
3.    If I had given the interviewer really good answers, I might have got a higher position than you
Fact: but I didn’t give really good answers

Sabtu, 25 April 2015

tugas 2 bahasa ingris bisnis 2

Personal Pronouns
Personal pronouns used to replace people and objects, as well as in terms of its use of personal pronouns is divided into two, namely used as an object and as a subject, refer to the table below:
Sebagai Subjek
Sebagai Objek

Examples of the use of pronouns in English
  • I love you.
  • She is beautiful.
  • They are studying English right now.
  • We did the test yesterday.
  • He is handsome, and Dina loves him.
  • We learn English every day, it make us speak English well.
  • They have much money today, because their boss gave them money yesterday.

Is the interrogative sentence that uses the auxiliary verb or auxiliary-verbs as the questioner, and only has two possible answers are 'yes' (yes) or 'no' (no). Kind of interrogative sentence is pronounced with rising intonation.

Which is included in Auxiliary-Verbs or auxiliary verb is:
- could / can 
- might / may
- must
- should / shall
- would / will
To Be :
- is
- are
- am
- was
- were

To Do :
- do
- does
- did

To Have :
- have
- has
- had

Contoh :
a. Can you help me?
    Jawaban :  (+) Yes, I can  (ya)
                     (-) No, I can't (tidak)  can't = can cot

b. Does Jhon speak English fluently?
    (+) Yes, he does
    (-) No, he doesn't

c. Would they go abroad?
    Yes, they would
     No, they wouldn't

Is a sentence that uses the word question asked or the question-word although this interrogative sentence ends with a question mark, but the question-word this question should always be pronounced with a tone of voice down.

Question-words or word the question is:
- What
- What time
- When
- Where
- Why
- Which
- Whose
- Who
- Whom
- How
- How long
- How old
- How far
 - How many
- How much
- How many times
- How often

Rabu, 25 Maret 2015

Tugas 1 Bahasa Inggris Binis 2

Subject is a noun, pronoun, adjective, or another construction (acting as nounatau adjective) following verbs of being or linking verb and serves to explain or refer to the subject of the sentence.
Subject complement is divided into three, namely: predicate adjective (subjects connected with the adjective), predicate noun (subject associated with the noun), and predicate pronoun (subject connected with the pronoun).

Verb (verb) is a function word to indicate darisubject actions, events or circumstances indicate. Verb is one of the eight parts of speech.
English verbs are not always simple shape (one word), but may be the result of a combination of phrases with the particle ~ phrasal verb (get in, make-up, read over).

Complement is a noun, pronoun, adjective or other construction that act as noun or adjective that serves describe or refer to the direct object (DO). Only transitive verb can have a complement object. In addition to explaining the object of the verb, this object can also follow the object of the preposition.

Modifier is a word, phrase, or clause that functions as an adjective or adverb that describes another word or group of words.
As Adjective and Adverb
When functioning as an adjective (can be a simple adjective, adjective phrase, adjective clause, participle, or infinitive), explained noun modifier. Meanwhile, when functioning sebagaiadverb (can be simple adverb, adverb phrase, adverb clause, prepositional phrases, infinitive), this word describes a verb, an adjective, or another adverb

Ø  Mr. Mamat was a great headmaster.
Ø  These are yours.
Ø  The noodle tasted delicious
Ø  My favorite activities are shopping and traveling.
Ø  His dream is to win.

Ø  The boy kicked the ball
Ø  Cheryl often sneezes while cleaning
Ø  She is young and beautiful
Ø  I had my house renovated last week
Ø  My boss paid me two thousand dollars.

Ø  That lady is very beautiful.
Ø  She found a letter put on my bag.
Ø  She swims so beautifully.
Ø  The book that he has read is very interesting.
Ø  When you went to the grocery, he came.

Subject verb agreement simply means the subject and verb must agree in number. This means both need to be singular or both need to be plural.
·         My dog always growls at the postal carrier.
·         Basketballs roll across the floor.
·         I don’t understand the assignment.
·         These clothes are too small for me.

·         Peter doesn’t like vegetables.

Minggu, 11 Januari 2015

Choosing a Good Power Bank

Power Bank is a fixture that should be shared by all those who have advanced gadgets. This is because most sophisticated gadgets only lasted a few hours because of the many features that require more power. On this occasion you will get some way Tips for Choosing a Good Power Bank:

Look Capacity Power Bank
The first thing before buying a Power Bank is to look at the capacity that was carried by the Power Bank. This is so you can do several times on the charging your gadgets.

Look Features Power Bank
Great Power bank has features such as overcharge, short circuit, and high temperature. Overcharge to protect gadgets from excessive current when charging is complete. Short circuit to protect your gadgets from the cause of the fire on the gadget. High temperature is the protection for the gadget when it detects heat during the process of charging

Completeness Power Bank
Please check the completeness of the power provided by the bank. Power bank can be considered complete could have indicator lights, connectors, cable A / C, and the original battery.

Use Original Cables Gadgets
Try to always use the original cable owned by the gadget, especially if your gadget is a gadget that is expensive. This is because the original cable gadgets to output more stable in comparison to the power cord bank.

Model and Quality
Choose gadgets with the best quality. Prioritizing quality compared with the bank power models.
Determining Price High Quality
Price expensive power bank usually also determines the quality of a power bank. The more you choose a power bank expensive brand name, then you should spend the money was also quite a lot.

courses and workshops

Gunadarma university, one of the requirements for scientific and essay writing session that must follow courses and workshops, workshops conducted during the day, while the course is held for five days, every department shall follow.

Workshop we just follow the activities according to the title of the workshop that we have chosen, from morning until evening, then just wait for decision-certificate, certificate retrieval of at least one month after the new workshop can be taken.

If we have to follow during the course of five days and four days of learning and one more day for the exam, in one day, there are three learning sessions, the first session of the clock Nine to twelve hours after the break then proceed with two sessions, till three hours after the the sessions continue with three to five in the afternoon, so continued for four days and on the fifth day only test, the first test of the theory then proceed to test prektek.

After that wait certificates, a minimum of one month after the new course can be taken, for the issue of cost price rises every year, so if you already have the money and there is a chance for a course or workshop should not be in delay it again.