Senin, 15 Juni 2015

Relative Clause and Conditional Sentence

Relative Clause
Defining relative clause is a clause which carries essential information (important) that can not be removed because it would change the whole meaning of the sentence. This type of clause does not use commas that limit with the main clause. Relative Clause is used to provide additional information about someone or something. Relative Clause usually use the relative pronoun like, who, Whom, which, Whose and that.hat is relative clauses
The woman is my sister
She is waiting for someone
We can combine these two sentences into
The woman who is waiting for someone is my sister

The man who is running is my brother
In this sentence there are really two sentences that
The man is my brother
He is running

Conditional sentence type 1
Conditional sentence type 1 is a conditional sentence that is used when the result / consequence (result) of the condition (condition) are likely to materialize in the future because of its realistic condition to be met.
Rumus : If + Subjek +V.1, S + Will + V.1
example :
1.     If I prepare well for the test I will pass it .
2.    If I have free time, I will go swimming.
3.    If the bell rings, I’ll go home.

Conditional type 2
Conditional type 2 is used as an application of the present or present events that will occur if there are different conditions.
Rumus : If + Subjek +V.2/Were +S + M2 + V.1
M2 (2 forms of capital) : Would,could
Example  :
1.    If I prepared well for the test, I should pass.
        Fact: I don’t pass the test
2.    If it rained tomorrow, I would sleep all day.
        Fact: but I don’t have much hope it will rain
3.    If Nisa studied hard, she would pass.
        Fact: but Nisa doesn’t study hard

Conditional Sentence Type 3
Merukan application of past events or simple past tense, events that should have been fulfilled in the past. Sometimes, in the past we had a wish that we can not realize. Then we want to tell a friend or someone else.
Rumus :  If +  Subjek + Had + V3 +S+ M.2 + Have + V.3
example :
1.      If I had prepared well for the test, I should have passed.
Fact: I didn’t pass
2.    If you had remembered to invite me, I would have attended your party.
Fact: but you didn’t remember
3.    If I had given the interviewer really good answers, I might have got a higher position than you
Fact: but I didn’t give really good answers

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