Minggu, 11 Januari 2015

Choosing a Good Power Bank

Power Bank is a fixture that should be shared by all those who have advanced gadgets. This is because most sophisticated gadgets only lasted a few hours because of the many features that require more power. On this occasion you will get some way Tips for Choosing a Good Power Bank:

Look Capacity Power Bank
The first thing before buying a Power Bank is to look at the capacity that was carried by the Power Bank. This is so you can do several times on the charging your gadgets.

Look Features Power Bank
Great Power bank has features such as overcharge, short circuit, and high temperature. Overcharge to protect gadgets from excessive current when charging is complete. Short circuit to protect your gadgets from the cause of the fire on the gadget. High temperature is the protection for the gadget when it detects heat during the process of charging

Completeness Power Bank
Please check the completeness of the power provided by the bank. Power bank can be considered complete could have indicator lights, connectors, cable A / C, and the original battery.

Use Original Cables Gadgets
Try to always use the original cable owned by the gadget, especially if your gadget is a gadget that is expensive. This is because the original cable gadgets to output more stable in comparison to the power cord bank.

Model and Quality
Choose gadgets with the best quality. Prioritizing quality compared with the bank power models.
Determining Price High Quality
Price expensive power bank usually also determines the quality of a power bank. The more you choose a power bank expensive brand name, then you should spend the money was also quite a lot.

courses and workshops

Gunadarma university, one of the requirements for scientific and essay writing session that must follow courses and workshops, workshops conducted during the day, while the course is held for five days, every department shall follow.

Workshop we just follow the activities according to the title of the workshop that we have chosen, from morning until evening, then just wait for decision-certificate, certificate retrieval of at least one month after the new workshop can be taken.

If we have to follow during the course of five days and four days of learning and one more day for the exam, in one day, there are three learning sessions, the first session of the clock Nine to twelve hours after the break then proceed with two sessions, till three hours after the the sessions continue with three to five in the afternoon, so continued for four days and on the fifth day only test, the first test of the theory then proceed to test prektek.

After that wait certificates, a minimum of one month after the new course can be taken, for the issue of cost price rises every year, so if you already have the money and there is a chance for a course or workshop should not be in delay it again.

Self Exam

Gunadarma University, is one of the best private universities in Indonesia, which is why many people who enter the university Gunadarma, besides as many majors choice and tuition fees are affordable enough to make appeal to kids who just graduated from high school to enroll .

For bekasi region, Gunadarma campus at times poor areas, shopping Kemang Pratama, and Kalimas jakarta east, and many more, but the campus into a center for the region which is located in jakarta unfortunate times.
For lab facilities, Gunadarma have enough lab especially computer lab, but it is also Lab physics, electrical engineering lab, lab embedded systems, industrial engineering lab and more.

In this Gunadarama University faculty most much demand that the faculty of computer science and information technology, the information systems department, in Gunadarma assessment system is not difficult, because large sebaian value taken from the UTS.

In Gunadarma, there is no short-term system, or remedial, digunadarma only independent examination same as remedial, no need to repeat a grade repetition can buy vouchers for courses that you want to reset, and then do the problems contained in computer applications, about- matter contained in the computer application bnyak enough so if you can not answer the questions put to stay in next and then will move to the next question.

If any answer will be charged a penalty value, namely the reduction of weight Saol sesual value that is given. if the time has expired and the value obtained is lower than the value before the exam independently, then the value that is considered a value before the exam independently.

Efficacy of Soursop Leaf

Efficacy of Soursop Leaf

In 1965, scientists declared that the content and efficacy 10,000 stronger than chemotherapy to treat cancer. It is based on research that has been conducted by scientists, the historical communities already known benefits of soursop leaves and is often used to treat various diseases. In about 1976, the National Cancer Institute has also conducted scientific research. The result of their claim that the stems and leaves of the soursop is also effective to attack and destroy cancer cells in the body. This is because the content of soursop leaves a very high proactive compounds, these compounds are rarely found in other fruits.

State Korea also conducted a study. They conclude that there is one chemical compound which acts selectively to kill cancer cells in the colon and 10,000 times more likely to be used as a chemotherapy drug in the soursop. It turns out that the compound is also selective to choose the target cancer cells that do not memungkingkan the destruction of the other healthy cells. Here are the benefits of soursop leaves.

Here are some benefits of Soursop Leaf For Health and Beauty:
- Prevent and treat breast cancer, prostate, pancreas, and lungs.
- Helps merileksasi muscle.
- Inhibits tumor growth.
- Inhibit gene mutations.
- Inhibits the growth of bad bacteria.
- Treating gout.
- Treating eczema and rheumatism.
- Reduce stress.
- Strengthens nerves.
- Healthy heart.
Here are some ways to process the soursop leaves:
- Treating cancer
The trick is to take about 10 leaves old soursop. Then boil with 3 cups of water. Leave until the remaining 1 cup of water only. Drink 2 times a day for 2 weeks or until the cancer is completely cured.

- Treating gout
Take 6 to 10 soursop leaves that are quite old but still green, then rinse thoroughly. The soursop leaves are cut with the aim to ensure the content on the soursop leaves right out. Boil the leaves that had been cut with 2 cups of water, allow it to boil water only remaining 1 cup. Drink the potion that has made 2 times a day ie morning and evening.

- Treating back pain.
Take about 20 leaves soursop then boil with 5 cups of water. Allow to boil and only about 3 cups. Drink the potion ¾ cup 1 time a day.

Eliminate Acne

Eliminate Acne

This skin problem that one could come at any time, not knowing the time and age. Teen teenager whose skin still smooth can suddenly experience. What exactly is acne? Acne is an inflammation caused by clogged pores with dirt. Oil produced by glands under our skin mixes with dead skin cells and bacteria, can not come out smoothly due to dirt so appear acne. There are several types of acne include cystic acne, pimples and blackheads usual. In addition to the problem of dirt that clog pores, acne is also caused due to hormonal factors, errors in the use of cosmetics, skin type and heredity.

One way to get rid of pimples quickly using natural materials, namely:
egg white mask
At first the egg whites with the yolk separated and mixed with lemon juice. After it was stirred until foamy and then apply on your face. Allow a few moments after that rinse with clean water. Besides being able to get rid of acne, this mask can also brighten your face. Some other natural ingredients that can be used as a mask acne removal, among others, tomato, leaf aloe and papaya. The result will be received after regular use.

How to Treat Acne With Tomatoes
This fruit other than good for eye health is also quite effective at removing black comedones (blackheads). The first thing to do is slice the tomatoes in half and rub all over your face with acne and leave for 15 minutes - 1 hour and then rinse. and eat for the treatment of in.

How to Treat Acne With Aloe Vera
Caution Do not use the original tongue from the mouth of the crocodile yes, he,, Take a leaf of aloe vera, cut into several parts, peel the outer skin, apply at the emerging pimples, and repeat doing it this way every morning and afternoon. If you are patient enough, acne may be able to dry up and flake off for 3 days. In addition, aloe vera is also capable of removing stubborn acne scars. Once again the key is only one, painstaking. !!

How to Treat Acne With Garlic
There are two options in using garlic to get rid of acne. First with two or more mashing garlic until quite smooth and then applied to the facial acne. Let stand for 10 minutes then rinse. While the second way is to take one or more of garlic every day.
Many say this is quite efekktif both ways, but for those of you who do not like the smell of garlic might be better to take another way. Do not worry there are many other natural ways which I will explain below.

How to Treat Acne With Always Clean Face
Always take care of cleanliness face every day of dirt and dust on the road. For we are always active and dealing with road dust, so be diligent to clean the face before or after the activity. As consumption from the inside, then multiply eat vegetables and drink water. Those who do not like vegetables.!, Then fruit containing water can be an alternative in treating the face of the deep. Because of the content contained in fruits and vegetables are believed to make your face more clean and radiant.

Sabtu, 03 Januari 2015

Memo And Email


 Memo or short message is a form of communication in the form of a letter containing the message, advice, instructions, commands, information, reports, and information from a superior to a subordinate in an agency or organization.
 There are two types of scrap, which is the official and unofficial memo. Official memos are usually made by government agencies or organizations. While not an official memo can be made by anyone. Writing a short message should be noticed that the effectiveness of sentences and language mannered. In this case you need to notice that the use of the phrase effective, communicative, and politeness in a short message intended that the core message can be dipahamipenerima without causing any questions and misunderstandings.
 Writing short messages should also notice the correct spelling with the aim of the message recipient or the intended person can understand the message properly. Some things that are often overlooked in the writing of a short message that the use of abbreviations of words that are not common and the use of punctuation.
 Messages can disampaiakan either directly or indirectly. For indirect message, the message means disampaiakan in writing. In writing a message in writing, please observe the following.
 1. Write clearly to whom the message is shown.
 2. Write down who makes the message.
 3. Write a message to yan polite language.
 4. Write a message with an effective sentence / short and easy to understand.

 Memo function

 Memo course serves as a form of communication that contains directions, advice or information about something that what we mean delivered quickly and accurately.

 The characteristics of an official nature memo:
 a. Special letters made specifically for the purposes of the office or organization
 b. Judging from the circulation, an office or organization may submit a memo horizontally and vertically
 c. Submission is horizotal a memo to the delivery office which has the equivalent
 d. Submission vertically a memo delivery of superiors to subordinates or otherwise to remind or ordered something
 e. Is a form of communication that give advice, guidance, or information about something
 f. Have a piece of mail that is simpler than the other official papers, especially the contents of the letter.
 g. Due to the limited pedarannya, memos often do not include the identity of the office / company in full.

 Parts of the memo:

 Memo consists of three parts, namely the head of the agency memo memo and the contents of the memo. Head memo contains: name, address (usually included logo / symbol agency creating the memo), the name of the recipient. Agency memo contains: the contents of the memo (short message, information or orders in short sentences). Feet memo: contains the date, name and initials memo maker

 Sample Memo
 Kalinga road No. 20 Jakarta
 To: Trustees OSIS
 From: Principals
 Re: Ceremony day hero
 After school, help you train students to be served on Memorial Day 10 November 201. Thank you.
 Jakarta, 25 September 2011
 Head Teacher,
 Dwi Jayanto, M. pd

 Understanding e-mail

 E-mail (electronic mail) is mail in electronic form. E-mail is one of the facilities or the application of the most widely used internet in terms of correspondence. This is because e-mail is a communication tool that is cheap, fast, and efficient. Using e-mail allows us to send a message in the form of a letter to the rest of the world in a very fast and low cost. E-mail will be sent to the addressee instantaneous e-mail is sent. Costs dikluarkan was just the cost of accessing the internet at the time we send / open to receive e-mail. Use of e-mail communication is done by activating the message that will be sent to the specialized software for this purpose, such as Microsoft Outlook.

 Benefits / uses e-mail
 1. Media communications
 E-mail or electronic mail is a common communication medium in persoal or public (community).

 2. Media delivery
 With e-mail, you can perform data transmission throughout the world and certainly the sender and the data is sent using the same e-mail address, not the address of the house. Not only that, by using e-mail you can send data to many people in just minutes even seconds count.

 3. Effective, efficient, and inexpensive
 Perform data transmission by e-mail very effective, efficient, and inexpensive. That is, you do not need to leave the house and go to the post office just to send a photo or a job application. Quite via an internet connection and your e-mail address, delivery will be fast to the destination address and does not need to cost a fortune.

 4. Media promotion
 If you can have a business on the internet or an online business, you can send promotional products to your customers by utilizing e-mail list of existing customers.

 5. Media information
 Via e-mail, you can get the latest information from around the world that you want by becoming the customer information from the media that you specify.

 6. Make your blog or website
 With e-mail, you can create a blog and website.

 7. Social media
 With e-mail, you can establish a relationship with a friend or someone else. Both use the e-mail itself or through social networks such as
 facebook, twitter, or google

 weakness email
 1. Must always be online or connected to the Internet to create and send an email.
 2. Must always remember the username and password email accounts.
 3. The potential for the spread of viruses and spyware.

 To be able to send and receive email, you must have an email account first. This email account will simultaneously include emal address that you can use to send messages to others electronically. Before you create an email account, you need to know that there are many providers who provide services sepertiYahoo email, Gmail, Hotmail (Windows Live), and so forth.