Minggu, 11 Januari 2015

courses and workshops

Gunadarma university, one of the requirements for scientific and essay writing session that must follow courses and workshops, workshops conducted during the day, while the course is held for five days, every department shall follow.

Workshop we just follow the activities according to the title of the workshop that we have chosen, from morning until evening, then just wait for decision-certificate, certificate retrieval of at least one month after the new workshop can be taken.

If we have to follow during the course of five days and four days of learning and one more day for the exam, in one day, there are three learning sessions, the first session of the clock Nine to twelve hours after the break then proceed with two sessions, till three hours after the the sessions continue with three to five in the afternoon, so continued for four days and on the fifth day only test, the first test of the theory then proceed to test prektek.

After that wait certificates, a minimum of one month after the new course can be taken, for the issue of cost price rises every year, so if you already have the money and there is a chance for a course or workshop should not be in delay it again.

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